Simple achievable and relevant
Working from a core set of criteria determined by actual impacts the building has on the area, environment and user.
Levels set to improve on current best practice to ensure the development is future proofed against today’s standards.
Not designed to replace measures already established within the planning process, susPLAN is available to enhance them
No specialist assessor is required, although a relevant professional could be engaged to assist the design team meet and develop the report to evidence compliance.
Assessed at both design stage for initial planning consideration and at post construction for final approval and sign off susPLAN takes the hassle out of sustainable development.
Compliant templates are provided for design stage to make the initial process and road map easy towards verification.
Clear evidence requirements communicated to enable design teams to demonstrate compliance to our team of independent industry experienced auditors.
Guaranteed quick verification turnaround of compliant developments and direct communication to the relevant planning officer to ensure minimal impact on development timelines.
E1: Demand (fabric first approach)
reduction of the building's energy consumption which is achieved through the adoption of a Fabric first approach and the utilization of passive design features to increase the thermal efficiency of the building.
E1A: Energy supply and energy efficiency
The development achieves a 20% improvement over a regulated base building for energy as set out in part L of the current building regulations.
Reduction of the building's energy consumption should be achieved through the adoption of passive design solutions.
E1B: Net zero
The design team can demonstrate the buildings on site energy generation exceeds the total energy demand from all systems both regulated and unregulated demands.
E2: Metering
Sub metering of key load areas is implemented for areas which represent more than 10% of the building’s total energy load.
E3: Commissioning and hand over
Prepare a schedule of commissioning and testing. The schedule identifies and includes a suitable timescale for commissioning and re-commissioning of all complex and non-complex building services and control systems and for testing and inspecting building fabric.
(Demonstration that the principal contractor accounts for the commissioning and testing programme, responsibilities and criteria within their budget and the main programme of works. Allow the required time to complete all commissioning and testing activities prior to handover).
Occupant Well-being
OW 1: Indoor air quality
Facilitating good indoor air quality by considering indoor air pollution early in the design process so that a mitigation strategy can be put in place.
Managing harmful emissions from construction products by specifying finishes and products that have been tested in accordance with the appropriate standards.
Specifying an appropriate ventilation strategy that maintains good indoor air quality.
OW2: Acoustic performance
Enabling occupants to experience best practice acoustic performance levels appropriate to the functional activities in occupied spaces. As per industry best practice guidelines.
OW3: Home office. (Domestic only)
A room within the home (preferable a bedroom or dedicated office space is provided with adequate power sockets, ventilation and daylight to enable productive working from home without undermining the health of the resident.
Procurement and construction
PC01: Timber
All timber and timber-based products used during the construction process of the project are legal and sustainable timber.
PC02 Construction waste
• Complete a pre-demolition audit of any existing buildings, structures or hard surfaces being considered for demolition. This must be used to determine whether refurbishment or reuse is feasible
• Prepare a compliant Resource Management Plan (RMP) covering:
Non-hazardous waste materials including demolition and excavation waste
• Demonstrate that at least 80% demolition waste (where present) and 90% of construction related waste is diverted from landfill throughout the project.
PC03 Sustainable materials
• Demonstrate that responsible sourced materials have been used within the building where possible, with materials being covered by a third-party certification scheme for responsible sourcing, (ISO14001 ect)
W01: Potable water efficiency
Housing developments
Achieve water reduction measures to reduce the current water use per person per day by 20% over and above the current regulated limit.
Commercial projects
The following parameters must be achieved on water using equipment:
• Toilets effective flush volume of 3.75 litres
• Hand washing taps 5litres / min
• Showers 6 litres / minute
• Baths 140 litres
• Urinals 1.5 litres / bowl / hour
• Kitchen taps (Kitchenette) 6 litres / minute
• Commercial kitchen taps restaurant, hygiene 7 litres/min
• Domestic dishwashers 12 litres / cycle
• Commercial dishwashers 5 litres / rack
• Domestic washing machines 40 litres / use
• Commercial washing machines 7.5 litres / kg
F1: Surface water run off
• For brownfield sites, drainage measures are specified so that the peak rate of run-off from the site to the watercourses (natural or municipal) shows a 30% improvement for the developed site compared with the pre-developed site. This should comply at the 1-year and 100-year return period events.
• For Greenfield sites, drainage measures are specified so that the peak rate of run-off from the site to the watercourses (natural or municipal) is no greater for the developed site than it was for the pre-development site. This should comply at the 1-year and 100-year return period events.
Light pollution
LP01: Reduction of night time light pollution
External lighting pollution has been eliminated through effective design that removes the need for external lighting. This does not adversely affect the safety and security of the site and its users.
OR alternatively, where the building does have external lighting, the external lighting strategy has been designed in compliance with Table 2 (and its accompanying notes) of the Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) Guidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light, 2011
Sustainable travel:
ST01 Provide adequate storage and facilities for cycles and for cyclists
To include:
Safe secure covered cycle storage
Plus at least two of the following:
• Secure lockers
• m/f shower facilities
• drying space for outer clothes
For domestic developments cycle storage should be provided as a minimum and should be designed to best practice to encourage safe secure storage of resident cycles
ST02 EV infrastructure
Developments should provide an appropriate number of EV charge points which are capable to meet the needs of the building user.
• For individual domestic properties, 1 charge point per dwelling
• For multi residential 30% of dwellings catered for
For non domestic buildings EV charge points supplied for 20% of the buildings occupants.
Charge points should be specified to meet the demand of the user, based on average time parked and travel patterns to the building based on the building specific travel plan.
MT01 Legally harvested timber.
Commitment to only use certified timber in the development to include composite materials for internal fittings. (kitchens, doors, sills, formwork ect.)
W01 Recycling facilities
The development / dwelling provides adequate space by design for the dedicated storage of recycling bins appropriate to the services being offered by the local authority without impacting on the access and outdoor space for wellbeing provided by the development.,